{{draft} inseamna ca acesta este o postare nefinalizata, o completez si modific pe masura ce parcurg volumul} Citesc acum volumul, recomandat de Tyler Cowen („economistul meu favorit'”).
Poate singura lista serioasa ‘best books of 2020‘ este a lui Tyler Cowen, pe blogul sau Marginal Revolution . Deseori am gasit la dansul recomandari excelente, catre volume nepromovate altminteri (pentru ca, desigur, ca in orice alt domeniu, consumam volumele care ni se ‘marketeaza’, nu cele valoroase).
Despre „Red Comet”, zice asa: „This is like the Lincoln biography — I was convinced I didn’t want to read a thousand pages about her (though I am a fan). And yet I keep on reading, now at about the halfway mark and I will finish with joy. This is one of the best and most gripping biographies I have read, covering growing up as a brilliant young woman in the 1950s, poetry back then, dating and gender relations amongst the elite at that time, how mental health problems were dealt with, and much more”.
(Sylvia) began sending out her work for publication at age eight, an act that has struck some as an early sign of a „pathological” obsession with achievement. Yet the Bronte sisters and Virgian Woolf, among others, began publishing their work as children in homemade newspapers.
(capitol „The Shadow, 1940-1945”, pg 55)
Sylvia Plath este o poeta americana recunoscuta international, care a trait intr-o perioada istorica plina (nascuta in 1932), a carei poveste are iz de scandal datorita sinuciderii la varsta de 30 de ani. Feminism, avantgarde, sanatate mentala, al doilea razboi mondial, traite in America si Europa, intelectuali de marca – un mix excelent.
„Once I write it is hard to stop. There are so many things that I feel deeply about and I want to get written down in here before it is late and they have slipped away. (..)” (Sylvia) was beginning to see dramatic potential in mundane situations.
(capitol „My Thoughts to Shining Fame Aspire, 1946-1947”, pg 89)
Cum devine un artist, artist? Ce ochelari isi pune acesta, zi de zi, ca vede lumea asa diferit de noi cei banali? Pare ca, intr-un inceput, omul incarcat cu arta simte puternic despre lume. La 15 ani, din jurnalul sau, Sylvia Plath pare ca iese „into the bright glare of a world into which suffering occurs, and is deeply felt” (pg. 91).
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